Our Family Platform

Through our upcoming family platform, the Bonita House seeks to inspire the life of millions throughout the world and give them the tools and resources they need to live a high-quality life grounded in authentic, liberating and inclusive Christian values both at a spiritual level and at a material level.

Villa Bonita

The Villa Bonita is the emblematic home of the Bonita Family. The Villa Bonita located in the vibrant Republic of Panama is the very definition of comfort and superior living experience. The Villa Bonita features outstanding amenities ranging from an inside beach all the way to a cinema. The Villa Bonita has been designed from the bottom up to enable a rich family life and to be the launchpad of the spiritual ministry of the family. For this reason, the Villa Bonita features private office spaces and laboratories along with best-in-class living and entertainment quarters for guests and family.

Bonita Village

Bonita Village is located just a few minutes away from the Villa Bonita. Based in the Republic of Panama, Bonita Village is home to the headquarters of the Bonita Church. Bonita Village is also the home of the first Patriarchal Convent of the Bonita House, called the Bonita Convent, that is able to house over 300 spiritual partners. This capacity is remarkable since most families are only able to house 1 to 3 Bonita Nuns considering the resources required to support a spiritual partner. Bonita Village is a green and peaceful place where people can relax, meditate and enjoy high-quality moments during the many spiritual and family events organized throughout the year.

Bonita Convent

The Bonita Convent is a new concept of Christian convent. Young women but also older ones apply to join the Bonita Convent and go through a very demanding application process. If a woman is accepted, she comes to live full-time at the Bonita Convent where she receives an education in her areas of interest by following distance education programs from reputable schools. Bonita Nuns also go through an advanced spiritual training equipping them with an in-depth knowledge of Christianity that few people will have the privilege of having during their life.

Among many other original aspects of their experience, Bonita Nuns receives a continuous marital training teaching them both the practical and the intimate aspects of seducing and delighting a husband. Some of these trainings are even provided by sex professionals. In addition to receiving a marital intimacy education and a family management education, Bonita Nuns also farm, work on business projects, manage their own spiritual ministry and do all sorts of activities at the Bonita Convent. For beyond academic and spiritual knowledge, the Bonita Convent trains Bonita Nuns to make them strong women having a high-degree of self-confidence, being skillful with their hands and having an entreprenarial mindset. Bonita Nuns are trained to be the world's most prestigious Christian virtuous women. Bonita Nuns are turned into highly desirable wifes attracting highly desirable spiritual men to build fruitful Christian families.

The life and studies of a Bonita Nun are fully paid for by the Bonita House. And in addition to this spiritual and academic training, a Bonita Nun has the guarantee that the Bonita House will find her a high-quality husband being strong in faith, having a good situation and being physically pleasing to the woman. The Patriarch of the Bonita House sees Bonita Nuns as his own daughters. Being a Bonita Nun is therefore a great privilege, and Bonita Nuns have the reputation of being the highest quality and the most desirable women that a man can find.

The Bonita Convent features various programs. Most women stay for a few years only until their education is complete and the Bonita House finds them a high-quality husband being worthy of such a high-quality virtuous Christian woman. With this regard, the connections that the Bonita Family has with high-quality Christian businessmen from all over the world is a strong asset providing Bonita Nuns the certainty that they will not be disappointed as we can select for them the best Christian men that this world has to offer, and organize the mariage without them needing to flirt, compete with other women or expand any effort besides confirming that they are interested in the man. We conduct an extreme vetting of every man to ensure that they meet the spiritual, material and beauty standards that the Bonita Nun deserves.

Besides Bonita Nuns staying at the Bonita Convent on a temporary basis, a small number of Bonita Nuns among those having demonstrated the highest standards of virtuousness and spiritual quality during their training can choose to pledge to serve the patriarch of the Bonita House during all their life. These women then either become employees of the Bonita House serving directly the Bonita Family, or high-ranking employees of the businesses of the Family. In practice their role often evolve over time and they can do different things at different points in their life. These Bonita Nuns having committed their lives to the patriarch live in the Bonita Convent all their life and enjoy luxury private appartments as well as a privileged status.

Bonita Nuns staying in the Bonita Convent temporarily are called Bonita Daughters, while Bonita Nuns dedicating their life to the patriarch are called Vocation Partners or Queen Partners depending on their seniority (the Queen Partner title being the highest status).

The Bonita Family operates Supreme Convents directly managed by the Patriarch. Elders of the Church and affluent people meeting spiritual prerequisites operate Great Convents that must meet certain requirements to be eligible (size, equipments, operational model, etc... this is with many regards similar to a franchise network). Ordinary disciplines operate Regular Convents. The Bonita Church centralizes the application process and dispatch accepted women to the various convents worldwide. The Bonita Church also provides technological enablement to every convent.

Bonita Church

The Bonita Church is the cornerstone of the spiritual strategy of the Bonita House. The Bonita Church's mission is to become the largest Christian community in the world by catalyzing the faith of billions of Christian families in every region of the world. The Bonita Church does not have the political agenda of traditional churches but is strongly committed to promoting freedom and all forms of religious tolerance in society.

We believe in God's given freewill, and for this reason we firmly believe that Christian mores should not be mandated by laws but that men should be free to live the lifestyle they want because God does not send the police when we disobey his laws but he lets people make their own decisions freely. We believe that if someone is really practicing Christianity, he will persuade people by the power of God's spirit without problem and will never need laws to help him. We believe that if someone feels insecure without laws to enforce his faith, then whatever that person is practicing isn't truly Christianity but is a powerless ideology devoid of God's love and God's spirit.

For this reason, while we do not teach that gay marriage is acceptable for a Christian and while we do not welcome gay people in our communities, we want gay marriage to be allowed by law. And while we do not believe that God and Allah are the same God but believe that the God of Christians is different from the God of Muslims, we want Muslims to be tolerated and we want their faith to be respected in western societies (and we fight aggressively in that direction). Because one thing we have learned is that by helping the cause of freedom and freewill, we are also helping Christianity.

The Bonita Church is therefore a new kind of church aspiring to reconcile men with God by unveiling how attractive Christianity is when it is freed from the artificial rules and traditions added by men to control other men. The Bonita Church is often called a corporate church (the first corporate church of the world to ever exist) in that it is tightly integrated with the business operations of the family and even receives technological and operational enablement from the Missoline conglomerate.

The Bonita Church is also mainly funded by the businesses of the family as it is our belief that Christians should aspire to take from the world to give to Christians rather than taking from Christians to give to the world. The Bonita Family does not do so with an adversarial mindset but by serving the world with love beginning by those who do not recognize Jesus-Christ as Lord, to then give a part of this revenue to the Church. One of the ways we promote Christianity is indeed by running high-quality businesses serving unbelievers with excellence and love to win their hearts to Christ. As Jesus-Christ taught, a doctor should focus most of his efforts to help those who are sick, not those who are healthy.

While we do not compromise on the integrity of the Word of God and have a strict interpretation of scriptures as far as the internal spiritual life of our community is concerned, we work in partnership with a wide range of religious and non-religious communities to materialize common strategic platforms where our interests converge on specific topics.

Bonita Ciudad

Located in the north of the Republic of Panama and spanning over hundreds of hectares, Bonita Ciudad aims to be a city housing thousands of Bonita Christians. This city will be built entirely by our Community of Bonita Christians, who will come to live and work there full-time. The city will features homes, apartment buildings, spiritual forums, shopping centers, parks, schools, medical centers and all essential amenities for a thriving community. Bonita Ciudad aims to rapidly become an incorporated city having its own municipal council and even its own municipal police.

While our vision is to create a prosperous and self-sufficient city creating wealth for the region, the country and the world, our goal is not to live in autocracy. On the opposite, Bonita Ciudad is closely integrated with the rest of the territory, works in partnership with the state and is wide open to all people beyond our community. As a matter of fact, Bonita Ciudad aims to be one of the world's leading entertainment and tourism centers. Bonita Ciudad aims to be the Vatican not only of the protestant church but of the whole Christianity by 2035.

Villa Missolina

The Villa Missolina is located in Bonita Ciudad and is the favorite entertainment destination of the Bonita House. The Villa Bonita and the Villa Missolina are twin villas: they both feature the same rooms and the same layout but have a different interior design: since the Villa Bonita is located in a mountainous area, its architecture and interior design embrace the harmony of the mountains while the Villa Missolina located next to the ocean has an architecture and an interior design embracing the harmony of the beach. Also located at a walking distance from the Villa Missolina is the Missolina Convent which is also the twin convent of the Bonita Convent.